NOW AVAILABLE: The 2016 Global Nutrition Report

NOW AVAILABLE: The 2016 Global Nutrition Report

On 14 June 2016, the independent and comprehensive annual review of the state of the world’s nutrition, the Global Nutrition Report, was launched simultaneously in multiple locations around the world. The Global Nutrition Report is a multipartner initiative that holds a mirror up to the successes…

July 22, 2016 - Last update: February 10, 2023

Multiple BurdensOn 14 June 2016, the independent and comprehensive annual review of the state of the world’s nutrition, the Global Nutrition Report, was launched simultaneously in multiple locations around the world. The Global Nutrition Report is a multipartner initiative that holds a mirror up to the successes and failures of meeting intergovernmental nutrition targets. It documents progress on commitments made on the global stage, and it recommends actions to accelerate that progress.

This third edition of the Global Nutrition Report aims to be a beacon, providing examples of change and identifying opportunities for action. The 2016 report focuses on the theme of making—and measuring— SMART commitments to nutrition and identifying what it will take to end malnutrition in all its forms by 2030.

Many nations are on course to meet the 2025 global nutrition targets. For example, 99 countries have made progress toward decreasing stunting, which blights the lives of more than 150 million children around the world. The Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement has united governments, civil society, the private sector, and international organizations in making nutrition a priority—targeting investments, tailoring interventions, and tracking our progress. We will continue working together in common cause and with a shared commitment to reach every child.”

Anthony Lake, Executive Director of UNICEF and Chair of the SUN Movement Lead Group

Get Involved

  • Download Synopsis (PDF 878 KB) English | Français | Español | Português |日本語
  • Download the full Global Nutrition Report English (Full report downloads in French, Spanish and Portuguese will be available soon here)
  • Click here for additional resources related to the report, including infographics, press information, and toolkits.
  • Check our Events page to see if a launch is happening in a city near you—or to find out how to organize one yourself!
  • Follow @GNReport on Twitter and Global Nutrition Report on Facebook, and use relevant hashtags (#NutritionReport, #InvestinNutrition) to stay up-to-date.


Country launches

The 2016 Global Nutrition Report is an authoritative source of action-oriented nutrition knowledge that transcends politics and guides the SUN Movement in its quest to make nutrition a priority. This report continues to push the boundaries beyond previous editions—with an optimistic message that when we work together, our collective impact can achieve the changes needed to sustainably transform lives, communities, and the future. “

Tom Arnold, SUN Movement Coordinator ad interm and Gerda Verburg, forthcoming SUN Movement Coordinator


The annual Global Nutrition Reports have been published in response to the 2013 Nutrition for Growth Global Compact commitment to produce ‘an authoritative annual global report on nutrition’.  The Global Nutrition Report is supported by a wide-ranging group of stakeholders and delivered by an Independent Group of Experts in partnership with a large number of external contributors. The report tracks progress against the World Health Assembly global nutrition targets as well as a wealth of other nutrition indicators in country-by-country profiles.  The report also monitors the specific Nutrition for Growth (N4G) commitments made in London in June 2013.

Underlying Drivers

