Nutrition at the 71st session of the United Nations General Assembly

Nutrition at the 71st session of the United Nations General Assembly

On 13 September 2016, the 71st regular session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) opened at UN Headquarters in New York, giving way to two weeks of high powered events aimed towards the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The theme of the annual general…

October 3, 2016 - Last update: July 4, 2022

On 13 September 2016, the 71st regular session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) opened at UN Headquarters in New York, giving way to two weeks of high powered events aimed towards the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The theme of the annual general debate which began on 20 September was: The Sustainable Development Goals: A universal push to transform our world.

Learn more and watch the live webcasts:

The full range of international issues were covered throughout the session and through side events with a special focus on the UN Summit for Refugees and Migrants which began on 19 September. The Summit was a key moment to strengthen governance of international migration and a unique opportunity for creating a more responsible, predictable system for responding to large movements of refugees and migrants.

Important nutrition related events:

EAT Forum Urban Food Systems: The Nutrition Challenge

Feeding the world’s growing population healthy food on a stable planet requires collaboration from all sectors of society and the role of cities is becoming increasingly important. The core objective of this high-level side event was to highlight the need to take a holistic approach to urban food system challenges, and to facilitate integrated strategies and new collaborations that leverage multiple benefits. The event included a series of keynotes and an interactive panel discussion involving prominent experts from government, academia, the private sector, the UN and civil society. Watch the webcast at UN WEB TV 

The GODAN Summit (Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition) was held during the same period as well as a high-level ministerial event titled “Responding to the impacts of El Niño and mitigating recurrent climate risks“.

The creation of the BabyWASH Coalition was one of a number of commitments made in support of the Global Strategy for Women’s, Children’s and Adolescents’ Health at an Every Woman, Every Child reception. The BabyWASH Coalition is a multi-stakeholder platform to increase the focus on integrating programmes for children and their caretakers in the first 1,000 days of life.
