Nutrition Launch Event in Mali Focuses on Cross-sector Action and Commitment to SUN

On 31 January 2013, Mali held an official launch to showcase its activities with UN REACH and the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement as well as to raise awareness on the multi-sectoral aspects of nutrition.

February 22, 2013 - Last update: February 10, 2023

On 31 January 2013, Mali held an official launch to showcase its activities with UN REACH and the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement as well as to raise awareness on the multi-sectoral aspects of nutrition.

The opening ceremony was chaired by the Minister of Health, Mr. Soumana Makadji with the Minister of Agriculture, Mr. Baba Berthe at his side. The ceremony also involved senior representation from the United Nations system including the World Food Program, UNICEF, the World Health Organization and the Food and Agriculture Organization.

In his keynote address, the Minister of Health reaffirmed the priority role of nutrition within his department, and highlighted the significant role of the recently adopted National Policy of Nutrition which will, “contribute to ensuring that each and every Malian enjoys satisfactory nutritional status and well-being to enable them to contribute to national development.”

The purpose of the event was to inform all stakeholders of the importance of nutrition, the role of the SUN Movement and UN REACH, as well as to explain and deepen understanding of the interactions between these two initiatives.

The launch ceremony was followed by a series of presentations, a panel presentation by representatives of the UN Agencies working together through UN REACH and an open discussion among attendees.

Key recommendations coming out of the event included a call to urgently develop a multi-sectoral action plan in line with the National Policy of Nutrition; integration of nutrition into training curricula; conduct a study on the feasibility of free primary care related to malnutrition for children under five years; work closely with the media to widely disseminate information on nutrition; conduct advocacy with parliamentarians; and for all key ministries to commit to a multi-sectoral approach to improving nutrition.

Read the Launch Report ▶

