Peru passes law promoting family farming

In October 2015, Peru’s Congress has recognised family farming as a key pillar of food security in the country. The country approved legislation to promote the sustainable development of family farming.   The law means that associated changes to public policy will be made on…

November 25, 2015 - Last update: February 10, 2023

In October 2015, Peru’s Congress has recognised family farming as a key pillar of food security in the country. The country approved legislation to promote the sustainable development of family farming.


The law means that associated changes to public policy will be made on key agricultural development issues such as land ownership, access to agricultural information, forming farming associations, and the recognition of traditional knowledge and practices. The new law also explicitly defines the responsibilities that national and regional governments now have in supporting family farming.

The new law was the result of coordination between the Congress and the National Platform for Family Agriculture, which includes key civil society organisations for agriculture. Family Farming and Food Security Groups were formed in different regions of the country to ensure citizen participation and to put pressure on the state. These groups were established with strong local civil society support from groups specialising in agriculture, food security, human rights and citizens’ rights.

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