President of Côte d’Ivoire launches the national Multisector Nutrition Plan

President of Côte d’Ivoire launches the national Multisector Nutrition Plan

On 11 May 2016, the national Multisector Nutrition Plan (2016-2020) was adopted in Côte d’Ivoire at an event chaired by President Alassane Ouattara. The President noted that the plan will allow a stronger population with optimal nutrition by 2020 who will help drive sustainable growth…

July 18, 2016 - Last update: February 10, 2023

Conseil-des-ministre-11-05-2016-suite-0005On 11 May 2016, the national Multisector Nutrition Plan (2016-2020) was adopted in Côte d’Ivoire at an event chaired by President Alassane Ouattara. The President noted that the plan will allow a stronger population with optimal nutrition by 2020 who will help drive sustainable growth and inclusive development of the country.

The plan defines how the government will work across sectors and ensure scale up of nutrition action across seven strategic areas. The costed plan is estimated to be more than XOF $266 million (West African CFA Francs). It was developed by the technical committee of the National Council for Nutrition, under the supervision of the Ministry of Health and Public Hygiene and with the overall coordination of the Prime Minister.

To facilitate its implementation, the government has authorised the organisation of a round table of technical and financial partners in September, with the support of UNICEF, to mobilize the necessary resources to finance the plan.

To learn more about the launch, visit News Abidjan and Agence Ivoirienne de Presse.


Côte d'Ivoire