President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf reaffirms commitment to Zero Hunger in Liberia

President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf reaffirms commitment to Zero Hunger in Liberia

On 19 April 2017, during a visit from the World Food Programme Regional Director for Central and West Africa Abdou Dieng President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf reaffirmed support for the ongoing government-led zero hunger strategic review exercise and the school feeding (also known as home-grown school feeding) programme.

May 6, 2017 - Last update: February 10, 2023

President Sirleaf in a handshake with Regional WFP Director for West-Central Africa Abdou Dieng. Photo Credit: Mr. James Garresen-EXECUTIVE MANSION

On 19 April 2017, during a visit from the World Food Programme Regional Director for Central and West Africa Abdou Dieng, President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf reaffirmed support for the ongoing government-led zero hunger strategic review exercise and the home-grown school feeding programme.

The Liberia Zero-Hunger Strategic Review process, led by the Government of Liberia with support from WFP, has progressed smoothly since it started in September 2016. The zero-hunger strategic review is intended for the country to identify the measures that need to be implemented to attain zero hunger status by 2030 in line with the Sustainable Development Goal No. 2.

President Sirleaf and Mr. Dieng also pledged their unflinching commitment to the school meals programme in the country that provided 300,000 children daily hot meals before it was stopped in February due to funding constraints.

Learn more about the visit: GNN Liberia, Apa News, Executive Mansion


Resource mobilization Food Systems Nutrition-sensitive