The Prime Ministers Office organises a Scaling Up Nutrition workshop in Tanzania

On the 27th January 2015, a Scaling-Up Nutrition Coordination workshop was organised by the Prime Minister’s Office in Mbeya, Tanzania. The workshop brought together participants from Regional Administration, Local Government Authorities (PMORALG), the Tanzania Food and Nutrition Center and the Donor and UN networks. During…

January 28, 2015 - Last update: February 10, 2023

On the 27th January 2015, a Scaling-Up Nutrition Coordination workshop was organised by the Prime Minister’s Office in Mbeya, Tanzania. The workshop brought together participants from Regional Administration, Local Government Authorities (PMORALG), the Tanzania Food and Nutrition Center and the Donor and UN networks. During the event, the scale up phase of support to promote nutrition in the Mbeya and Njombe regions was launched.

The support is part of a 5-year programme, implemented by UNICEF with the Government of Tanzania and is in addition to four districts already funded by Irish AID. The programme which will be implemented from 2014/2015 to 2020 aims to improve nutrition relevant practices for mothers, infants and young children especially in the first 1,000 days of life. This includes feeding, care, early stimulation, hygiene and sanitation practices.

Ms Lisha Lala, a Health Adviser with DFID Tanzania, said: “I want us to show that increasing investment and working across sectors to improve nutrition can work well to really enhance human capital, a key driver for economic growth.. Without this, Tanzania will not fulfil its human and economic development potential.”

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