REACH support is pivotal to the development of the United Nations Agenda for the Reduction of Chronic Undernutrition (2015-2019) in Mozambique

22 March 2016 | As Mozambique’s UN Network for SUN celebrates the successful completion of the United Nations Agenda for the Reduction of Chronic Undernutrition (2015-2019), other countries look to it as an example to emulate. Mozambique is the first country to undertake this UN Network…

March 30, 2016 - Last update: February 10, 2023

UN Agenda for the Reduction of Chronic Undernutrition-Mozambique_00122 March 2016 | As Mozambique’s UN Network for SUN celebrates the successful completion of the United Nations Agenda for the Reduction of Chronic Undernutrition (2015-2019), other countries look to it as an example to emulate. Mozambique is the first country to undertake this UN Network recommended action (typically referred to as the UN Nutrition Strategy/Agenda), which draws upon the findings of the UN Nutrition Inventory conducted in mid-2015. Both exercises benefited from REACH’s skilled facilitation support and engaged six UN agencies active in the UN Network at the country level, namely: FAO, IFAD, UNFPA, UNICEF, WFP and WHO.

The Mozambique Agenda articulates a common UN vision for the reduction of chronic malnutrition within the context of the country’s stunting challenges and the government’s national plan. It also considers present UN agency programming in governance and implementation (e.g. areas of convergence and gaps), as related to nutrition, and moreover, defines how the UN will work together to address priority areas of action and emerging issues, such as safeguarding the nutrition of adolescent girls. Finally, the Agenda identifies indicators for measuring its operationalization with a view to ensuring that UN support is on track with the pledged commitments.The Agenda has laid the foundation for the development of the UNDAF in relation to Nutrition. In addition, concrete measures have already been taken to operationalize the Agenda, including efforts to align Mozambique’s 2016 UN Network work plan with the priorities of the Agenda. The UN agencies have committed to going beyond rhetoric and putting it into practice, noting that UN Representatives are confident they are up to the challenge.

This article was originally posted at the REACH website.


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