Regional government in Peru partners across sectors to launch a healthy nutrition radio campaign

Regional government in Peru partners across sectors to launch a healthy nutrition radio campaign

During the month of November 2015, in the regions of Puno and Cusco Ayacuho, a series of educational nutrition campaigns were launched on radio to promote best practices to reduce child malnutrition and anemia. Three of the radio campaigns have been awarded in the IV National Healthy Radio Competition (IV…

November 30, 2015 - Last update: February 10, 2023


During the month of November 2015, in the regions of Puno and Cusco Ayacuho, a series of educational nutrition campaigns were launched on radio to promote best practices to reduce child malnutrition and anemia. Three of the radio campaigns have been awarded in the IV National Healthy Radio Competition (IV Concurso de Radio Saludable) organized by Alicorp – the largest goods company in Peru – in partnership with the World Association of Community Radio  Broadcasters and the Regional Health Directorate.

Founded in 2009, Healthy Radio (Radio Saludable) is an initiative to promote education on nutrition and child development through radio located in rural areas where there are high rates of child malnutrition. Through this initiative, training workshops are held to provide radio broadcasters, journalists, students and teachers with the knowledge and tools needed to effectively communicate to broad audiences, the importance of healthy nutrition behaviors. The workshops are organised by the World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters – Latin America and the Caribbean (AMARC-ALC) and the Regional Health (DIRESA).

Local and multilingual radio programs (in Castilian, Quechua and Aymara) are disseminating messages on the importance of micronutrients and consumption of iron-rich food (rather than processed foods), which are the main nutritional vulnerabilities of rural populations in Peru. These messages are coordinated with support from individuals working in health and education sectors. The messages include the promotion of safe drinking water, prenatal care and medical visits.

The campaigns are often short, approximately two minutes long, and are given in the form of stories and have been successful in reaching large audiences in the highlands of Puno and Cusco Ayacuho, this is aided by the fact that many farmers listen the radio while working.

Learn more about the campaigns and the radio competition: Peru 2021, Pachamamaradio, andina, laradiosaludable, elcomercio and the RSC Peru Facebook page.




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