A Scaling Up Nutrition Academia and Research Network is launched in Pakistan

On 30 May 2016,  the Scaling Up Nutrition Academia and Research Network (SUNAR, Pak) was launched in Islamabad by the Pakistan SUN Movement Secretariat with the support of the Micronutrient Initiative. Opening the ceremony, Dr. Mubarik Ali, Member Food Security and Climate Change Planning Commission said that…

May 31, 2016 - Last update: February 10, 2023

DSC_5513On 30 May 2016,  the Scaling Up Nutrition Academia and Research Network (SUNAR, Pak) was launched in Islamabad by the Pakistan SUN Movement Secretariat with the support of the Micronutrient Initiative. Opening the ceremony, Dr. Mubarik Ali, Member Food Security and Climate Change Planning Commission said that Pakistan is facing a silent crisis of malnutrition and stressed the need to urgently address malnutrition in order to safeguard the country’s future development and prosperity. Over the past year, membership applications were received and 45 institutions were awarded membership. Seventeen interim Executive Council members have been selected for one year.

Read the press release Scaling Up Nutrition, Academia and Research Network Pakistan

View media coverage at The News, The Tribune, The Nation 


