
School feeding programme in Tajikistan with the support of WFP and Russia

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) and the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Tajikistan inaugurated a bakery in Pani district, the eighth such bakery WFP has helped build with funding from Russia. A steady supply of bread made in these bakeries will be…

April 20, 2021 - Last update: February 10, 2023

(c) WFP/Nasrullo Ramazonov

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) and the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Tajikistan inaugurated a bakery in Pani district, the eighth such bakery WFP has helped build with funding from Russia. A steady supply of bread made in these bakeries will be used in school meals for 11,000 primary schoolchildren across 300 schools in the country, helping to make sure that children are healthy, ready to learn, and stay in school.

“These state-of-the-art bakeries are an important component of WFP’s school feeding programme for Tajik children. Not only they produce fresh and quality bread that all children love, they also bring job opportunities to locals. This is particularly welcomed with many people facing economic hardships due to the COVID-19 pandemic,” said WFP Country Director, a.i., Mariko Kawabata.

Thanks to the financial support of the Russian Federation, WFP has been working with the Russian Social and Industrial Foodservice Institute (SIFI) to carry out the bakery construction and renovation. In total, eight bakeries have been constructed and renovated in partnership with the private sector in Panj, Yovon districts in Khatlon Region, and Bobojon Ghafurov, Spitamen, Jabbor Rasulov, Devastich districts, Istaravshan and Isfara towns in Sughd Region, within the framework of public-private partnerships.

School feeding is WFP’s largest operation in Tajikistan, supporting half a million young students in 2,000 schools across 52 rural districts and towns. For many vulnerable families and communities, healthy and nutritious school meals are often the only reliable source of food for their children. Evidence has shown that school meals contribute to better nutrition, improved health as well as increased access to education for children.

Representatives from the Russian Embassy, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, Ministry of Education and Science, and Ministry of Health and Social Protection, along with officials of Panj District in Khatlon Region, attended the ceremony.



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