A second workshop is convened to strengthen the SUN Movement support system

A second workshop is convened to strengthen the SUN Movement support system

From 17-18 November 2016, the SUN Movement Secretariat convened a workshop titled, “Strengthening the SUN Movement Support System” in Geneva, Switzerland. Participants included members of SUN Networks and the Movement’s technical and knowledge management support providers.

November 23, 2016 - Last update: July 4, 2022

img_3849From 17-18 November 2016, the SUN Movement Secretariat convened a workshop titled, “Strengthening the SUN Movement Support System” in Geneva, Switzerland. Participants included members of SUN Networks and the Movement’s technical and knowledge management support providers. This was the first meeting since the launch of the SUN Movement Strategy and Roadmap and aimed to ensure that all actors across the Movement were working towards common objectives and inline with the strategic objectives of the SUN Movement. The workshop built on the learnings from the June 2015 meeting  where an agreement was reached on what was required for a coordinated, predictable, timely and effective response to requests for assistance from SUN Countries.

Of particular focus was the SUN Movement’s monitoring and evaluation framework, and more specifically, the 2016 SUN Country Joint Assessments, which are integral in helping to understand and prioritise SUN Country needs. The following break out sessions were organised to dive deeper into thematic areas aligned with the Roadmap.

Continuously improving country planning and implementation to end malnutrition

  • Improved multi-sectoral and multi-stakeholder planning: “checklist” for quality plans, fast-track review mechanism, TA
  • Improved use of the budget analysis exercise and results: prioritizing methodological issues and ensuring coherent country support
  • Improved use of data for decision making, accountability and advocacy: strengthening alignment in the data and accountability value chain, and country support
  • First steps in building a mechanism to curate and broker existing knowledge on implementation science

Mobilising, advocating and communicating for impact

  • Developing a SUN Movement communication and advocacy plan
  • Engaging nutrition champions at all levels
  • Leveraging parliamentarians and the press in the SUN Movement

Strengthening the capacity for multi-sectoral and multi-stakeholder collaboration at all levels

  • Way forward 2017 on Conflict of Interest in the SUN Movement: Experience from Rwanda
  • Guidance for making Multi-Stakeholder Platorms more effective: Institutional configurations for different contexts?
  • How can a partnership between Sanitation and Water for All and SUN add most value at country level to strengthening WASH-Nutrition linkages?
