Sierra Leone is investing more money but gaps remain to fulfill commitments on nutrition

On 4 August 2016, Sierra Leone Nutrition for Growth Commitment Summary on behalf of the Scaling Up Nutrition and Immunization Civil Society Platform (SUNI-CSP), FOCUS 1000 and Action Contre la Faim (ACF) led a one day workshop on tracking Sierra Leone’s commitments and investments in nutrition. The event was held in recognition of a meeting being held on the same day in Brazil, as a follow up to the 2013 Nutrition for Growth summit.

August 24, 2016 - Last update: February 10, 2023


Photo credit: FOCUS 1000

Photo credit: FOCUS 1000

Sierra Leone Nutrition for Growth ScorecardOn 4 August 2016, Sierra Leone Nutrition for Growth Commitment Summary on behalf of the Scaling Up Nutrition and Immunization Civil Society Platform (SUNI-CSP), FOCUS 1000 and Action Contre la Faim (ACF) led a one day workshop on tracking Sierra Leone’s commitments and investments in nutrition. The event was held in recognition of a meeting being held on the same day in Brazil, as a follow up to the 2013 Nutrition for Growth summit.

At the 2013 summit, Sierra Leone committed to reduce stunting to 11.7% and wasting to 2% by 2020 while increasing exclusive breastfeeding to 70%. They also committed to increase funding for nutrition; create budget lines under Ministry of Health and Sanitation (MoHS), Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Food Security (MAFFS) and other line ministries; and to ratify the Code of Marketing of Breast-milk substitutes (CMBS).

Results of two recent analyses were assessed to determine the progress made so far and to identify additional efforts needed. The event brought together representatives of civil society, donors, UN agencies and members of the Directorate of Food and Nutrition Ministry of Health and Sanitation, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Scaling Up Nutrition Secretariat Office of the Vice President and Parliament.

The reports were the result of a May workshop on budget tracking of government expenditure from 2012 to 2015, as part of an analysis of financial commitments. This was the first exercise of its kind to be done in the country on nutrition expenditure, and participants agreed that it was an effective tool for government’s accountability on their commitments.

To read press statement on the workshop click here


Sierra Leone Report – Tracking Nutrition Investments – 3 Step approach pilot

Sierra Leone Nutrition Investment Trends – Briefing Paper

Sierra Leone Nutrition for Growth Position Paper

Learn about the 2013 London Nutrition for Growth event and the 2016 Rio Nutrition for Growth Event


Sierra Leone