Sierra Leone Roundtable – Nutrition: Driver for Development

On 4th June 2015, representatives from government, United Nations and donor organisations, joined civil society in Sierra Leone for a roundtable discussion about the progress made towards scaling up nutrition. The event was organised by Action Contre la Faim (ACF) International, the Scale-Up Nutrition Civil Society Network, in collaboration…

June 8, 2015 - Last update: February 10, 2023

On 4th June 2015, representatives from government, United Nations and donor organisations, joined civil society in Sierra Leone for a roundtable discussion about the progress made towards scaling up nutrition. The event was organised by Action Contre la Faim (ACF) International, the Scale-Up Nutrition Civil Society Network, in collaboration with SIDA, Agence Française Development and Irish Aid. The event offered an opportunity to discuss progress in the fight against malnutrition and what needs to be done to get the country back on track following the Ebola outbreak in May 2014.

The first topic was “Nutrition as a Health Priority“. panelists were:

  • Mrs. SholadyPyne-Bailey of the Food and Nutrition Directorate in the Ministry of Health and Sanitation
  • Faraja Chiliwe, Nutrition Manager, UNICEF
  • Pauly Molloy, Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of Ireland
  • RamatuJalloh, National Coordinator, SUN Civil Society Platform
  • Suzanne Fuhrman, Health and Nutrition Head of Department, ACF

The second topic was ‘Nutrition: A Priority For All Not Just Health‘. panelists were:

  • Mohamed Foh, National Coordinator, SUN Secretariat-Sierra Leone
  • Mohamed Ajuba Sheriff, Deputy Director-Planning, Evaluation and Monitoring, Ministry of Agriculture
  • David Mwesigwa, Head, Program Implementation, FAO Sierra Leone
  • Alessandro DalleCarbonare, Food Security and Livelihood Head of Department, FAO

Learn more about the event at The New Citizen


SUN Global Support System
SUN Civil Society Network SUN Donor Network
Capacity strengthening
Sierra Leone