SUN Coordinator meets with development partners in New Delhi, India

SUN Coordinator meets with development partners in New Delhi, India

On 25 May 2017, SUN Movement Coordinator, Ms Gerda Verburg, along with a delegation from the SUN Movement Secretariat, travelled to New Delhi, India, and discussed nutrition results and alignment across the country with key development partners focused on nutrition.

June 8, 2017 - Last update: February 10, 2023

Yuri Afanasiev, United Nations Resident Coordinator with Gerda Verburg, SUN Movement Coordinator

On 25 May 2017, SUN Movement Coordinator, Ms Gerda Verburg, along with a delegation from the SUN Movement Secretariat, travelled to New Delhi, India, and discussed nutrition results and alignment across the country with key development partners focused on nutrition.

Yuri Afanasiev, United Nations Resident Coordinator, welcomed the delegation with the United Nations Country Team, giving the opportunity for the team to share plans for the UN’s Sustainable Development Framework for 2018-2020, in which nutrition and food security feature as priority areas – showing alignment in the push for an end to malnutrition across actors in the country.

I am impressed seeing the dynamic way with which things are taking place, both at the state and district levels. People here are motivated and willing enough to take ownership of (nutrition) projects,”

Gerda Verburg, SUN Movement Coordinator.

The delegation also met with partners of the International Food Policy Research Institute (IPRI), the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Health Organization South east Asia Regional Office (SEARO), based in the capital city. A media interview also took place with the Press Trust of India where Ms Verburg commended the inclusivity of programmes at the local level seen in Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh. Read the subsequent article on the Indian Express.

This visit formed part of a mission across Indian States by the SUN Movement Coordinator and a delegation of the SUN Movement Secretariat. The mission coincided with the 2017 African Development Bank Annual Meeting in Gujarat and was followed by visits to Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh and Delhi.


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