SUN Countries in Africa build the investment case for nutrition through budget analysis

On 21st and 22nd April 2015, participants from 7 SUN countries met in Entebbe, Uganda, to accelerate efforts in budget analysis for nutrition. This was the second in a series of four regional workshops that aim to help policy makers prioritise, plan and make informed decisions…

April 29, 2015 - Last update: February 10, 2023

group photo

On 21st and 22nd April 2015, participants from 7 SUN countries met in Entebbe, Uganda, to accelerate efforts in budget analysis for nutrition. This was the second in a series of four regional workshops that aim to help policy makers prioritise, plan and make informed decisions on resource allocation for nutrition in national budgets. Delegations came from Uganda, Kenya, Lesotho, the Gambia, Ghana, South Sudan and Zambia. Participants included government representatives from planning, health and finance sectors and multiple stakeholder groups including the United Nations, Civil Society and Donor organisations. 

SUN Countries had the opportunity to present their country contexts and budget analysis and have dialogue with others across the Movement in an effort to build their county investment cases for nutrition. Participants reviewed the allocations that had been identified across key ministries and worked to classify them into nutrition specific and nutrition sensitive categories. The need for strong, well informed advocacy was brought to the forefront with a facilitated panel discussion on day two which aimed to connect the technical with the political ambitions of the exercise.

Powerful quotes captured during the workshop

  • “Experts should provide simple messaging without professional jargon that is easily translatable into local languages and situations. Efforts must be made to make nutrition newsworthy.” Florence Naluyimba, representative from the media in Uganda.
  • “I became a champion through campaigning for children affected by malnutrition within my constituency. 2000 children have been saved and I tag malnutrition issues to all the work I do within the parliament.” Florence Mutyabule, representative from parliament in Uganda.
  • “All different sectors within the government must be lobbied to have nutrition-relevant allocations within their budgets in order to make the investment stronger.” Eneyah B. Phiri, representative from the Zambia Civil Society Alliance for SUN.
  • “Disbursement of funds to different sectors is a highly competitive process and policy makers must be convinced of the potential high return from investing in nutrition. Nutrition should be considered as a developmental, cross-cutting issue in order to be prioritised.” Khassoum Diallo, Senior Research and Evaluation Specialist, UNICEF Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office.

Patrizia Fracassi, Senior Nutrition Analyst and Strategic Advisor, from the SUN Secretariat, gave the following presentation to summarise the conclusions from the workshop and recommendations for next steps.

Posted by Scaling Up Nutrition Movement on Wednesday, 29 April 2015


Ghana Kenya Lesotho South Sudan The Gambia Uganda Zambia