SUN Countries exchange experiences to manage the impact of El Niño on nutrition

SUN Countries exchange experiences to manage the impact of El Niño on nutrition

On 28 June 2016, the first of three teleconferences was chaired by the SUN Movement Secretariat in response to the El Niño weather phenomenon.  The teleconference provided an opportunity for SUN Countries and their partners dealing with the impact of El Niño to exchange experiences on how they…

June 28, 2016 - Last update: February 10, 2023

On 28 June 2016, the first of three teleconferences was chaired by the SUN Movement Secretariat in response to the El Niño weather phenomenon.  The teleconference provided an opportunity for SUN Countries and their partners dealing with the impact of El Niño to exchange experiences on how they are mobilising stakeholders across sectors to ensure nutritional needs are being met.

The experiences captured during the three teleconferences will be shared with United Nations Special Envoys on El Niño and Climate, Ms. Mary Robinson and Mr. Macharia Kamau, for advocacy and resource mobilisation purposes. It is anticipated that lessons from the El Niño response will inform future discussions on strategies to build resilience of communities affected by recurrent crises, and the capacities of the Movement’s stakeholders working to ensure a central place for nutrition-security in emergency preparedness, response and recovery plans.

Teleconference schedule

  • 28 June 2016, Latin American SUN Countries Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica and Peru.
  • 14 July 2016, SUN Countries in the Southern African Development Community.
  • 14 July 2016, SUN Countries Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia.

The 2015‒2016 El Niño weather phenomenon has been one of the most intense and widespread in the past one hundred years. The agriculture, food security and nutritional status of 60 million people around the globe has been severely affected by El Niño-related droughts, floods and extreme hot and cold weather. The regions most affected include the Horn of Africa, Southern Africa, the Dry Corridor of Central America and the Caribbean Islands, Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands. SUN Countries that are reporting significant impact include: Ethiopia, Somalia, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Swaziland, Zimbabwe, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Haiti, Peru and Papua New Guinea. Eight governments have declared a national state of emergency.

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