SUN Movement Executive Committee annual retreat 2019

SUN Movement Executive Committee annual retreat 2019

Members of the SUN Movement Executive Committee gathered on 28-29 January 2019 at the SUN Secretariat in Geneva for their annual retreat. The main focus of the retreat was on the outcomes of the SUN Movement Mid-Term Review. The Executive Committee discussed the findings and…

February 19, 2019 - Last update: February 10, 2023

Members of the SUN Movement Executive Committee gathered on 28-29 January 2019 at the SUN Secretariat in Geneva for their annual retreat. The main focus of the retreat was on the outcomes of the SUN Movement Mid-Term Review. The Executive Committee discussed the findings and recommendations and offered guidance on the way forward. During the two days, members reviewed progress on the implementation of the SUN Movement Strategy and Roadmap, reflected on achievements and challenges of the Movement in 2018, reviewed milestones for the period 2019-2020 and discussed how the Executive Committee can best support the Movement in coming years.

Reflecting on the outcomes of the Mid-Term Review, the Executive Committee committed to increase its role in governance and accountability of the Movement and encouraged all SUN stakeholders to further internalize the SUN Principles of Engagement. The Committee discussed how to better align support for all SUN Countries to scale up results and strengthen country level action, and encouraged the Global Support System to enhance collaboration and coherence. The SUN Movement Global Gathering later this year will be a key moment for the Movement to share experiences, learn from each other and celebrate progress in addressing all forms of malnutrition.

Members of the Executive Committee plan to join the SUN Coordinator on country visits and attend Joint Annual Assessments in a SUN Countries. Views were exchanged how to strengthen linkages between Executive Committee members and SUN Government Focal Points, as well as with the SUN Networks. The Executive Committee discussed stronger involvement of the Movement in applying a food systems approach, and how to strengthen women’s empowerment across the Movement. A decision was taken to launch in 2019 a strategic review to inform the future direction of the Movement.

The Facilitators of the SUN Networks and staff of the SUN Movement Secretariat attended the discussions as observers to benefit as much as possible from the inspiring discussions and concrete guidance from Executive Committee members.

Meera Shekar, Global Lead Nutrition at the World Bank, was elected as new Chair of the Executive Committee for the term 2019-2020, succeeding Shawn Baker, Director Nutrition at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, who has chaired the Committee for the past three years. Tumaini Mikindo, Executive Director of Partnerships for Nutrition In Tanzania (PANITA) – SUN CSO Alliance Tanzania, remains Vice-Chair of the Committee.

In recent months three new members have joined the SUN Movement Executive Committee: Robert Bertram from USAID, Gladys Mugambi, SUN Government Focal Point Kenya, and Asma Lateef from Bread for the World. A very warm welcome to the new Executive Committee members!


SUN Movement Executive Committee

As part of the SUN Movement’s stewardship arrangements, the SUN Movement Executive Committee acts on behalf of the SUN Movement Lead Group to oversee the development and implementation of the Movement’s strategy.

Learn more about the SUN Movement Executive Committee
