SUN Movement June Update: Letter from David Nabarro

June 2013 was an important month for nutrition. Leaders from across the world came together in a series of events and made a collective commitment “to end the scourge of under-nutrition within our lifetime.” They shared ground-breaking new evidence, committed to policy and institutional changes, and pledged to substantially increase resources for nutrition. As we move into July, David Nabarro, SUN Movement Coordinator, writes on the implications of June 2013 for the SUN Movement and current priorities of the Movement’s Secretariat.

July 3, 2013 - Last update: July 4, 2022

June 2013 was an important month for nutrition. From across the world, leaders from governments and civil society, business, the science community and the United Nations system, came together in a series of events which focused on nutrition. They made a collective commitment “to end the scourge of under-nutrition within our lifetime.” They shared ground-breaking new evidence, committed to policy and institutional changes, and pledged to substantially increase resources for nutrition.

As we move into July, David Nabarro, SUN Movement Coordinator writes his views on the implications of June 2013 for the SUN Movement, and lists some of the current priorities of the Movement’s Secretariat.

Click here to read the full June Update

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