Uganda Civil Society Coalition on Scaling Up Nutrition Awarded $321,000

La création de la Coalition de la société civile pour le renforcement de la Nutrition en Ouganda (UCCO-SUN) renforcera les partenariats de plaidoyer pour une meilleure élaboration des politiques et allocation des ressources en vue de l’amélioration des résultats de la Nutrition. Le projet appuiera également le renforcement des capacités dans le cadre des efforts de mise en œuvre des OSC aux niveaux national et local et permettra le suivi et l’évaluation des investissements de la Nutrition ainsi que des rapports d’activités de SUN.

December 11, 2012 - Last update: February 10, 2023

Organizations of civil society have played a role in the establishment and implementation of the Plan of Action for Nutrition in Uganda for 2011-2016 and deployment plan provides an opportunity to stimulate progress for strengthening Nutrition in the country. The creation of the Coalition of Civil Society Strengthening Nutrition in Uganda (UCCO- SUN) strengthen partnerships to advocate for better policy-making and resource allocation in order to improve the results of Nutrition. The project will also support capacity building efforts in the implementation of CSOs at national and local level and allow monitoring and evaluation of nutrition investments and activity reports of SUN.

Learn more about financing MPTFs for the coalition of civil society in Uganda ▶


Established in March 2012 by the participating UN agencies and donor partners contributors, the fund aims to ensure receipt by governments, UN agencies, civil society and other stakeholders for their catalytic grants to develop and implement national efforts to strengthen nutrition. Not intended to replace other funding streams, the MPTF was established to enable or initiate action to strengthen the nutrition the country level in the absence of other sources of funding.

In addition to providing financial support to hire SUN actions at national level – including the creation and strengthening of platforms, multi-stakeholders, achieving balance, organizing the launch of the SUN Movement nationally, and facilitation exchange of experience at regional and global meetings – an initial funding priority of MPTF is to support the development and operation of platforms of civil society in the SUN countries.

Learn more about SUN MPTF▶

