Uganda’s Cost of Hunger Study Findings Unveil The Economic Impact of Malnutrition

KAMPALA, 20 June 2013 (IRIN) – Malnutrition costs Uganda an estimated US$899 million annually – as much as 5.6 percent of its GDP – according to findings of a new report.

June 24, 2013 - Last update: February 13, 2023

KAMPALA, 20 June 2013 (excerpt from IRIN) – Malnutrition costs Uganda an estimated US$899 million annually – as much as 5.6 percent of its GDP – according to findings of a new report.

The report, The Cost of Hunger in Africa, launched on 18 June in the capital, Kampala, was conducted by the Ugandan government with the support of the African Union Commission, the New Partnership for Africa’s Development, the UN Economic Commission for Africa and the UN World Food Programme (WFP). Similar reports are planned for Egypt, Ethiopia and Swaziland.

Read More:

Cost of Hunger in Uganda Summary Report

IRIN: The High Cost of Hunger in Uganda 
WFP: Hunger Costs Uganda 5.6 Per Cent Of GDP 
BBC: Uganda Malnutrition: Cost of Hungry Children Revealed 


Read the Project Summary for Egypt, Ethiopia, Uganda and Swaziland

