UK Government investment to support scaling up nutrition in Zambia

The UK Government has announced a commitment of K130 million (£15 million) to help reduce malnutrition among women and children in Zambia. The investment will support the national First 1000 Most Critical Days Program, launched on 3 April by Vice President of Zambia, Guy Scott.

April 5, 2013 - Last update: February 10, 2023

The UK Government has announced a commitment of K130 million (£15 million) to help reduce malnutrition among women and children in Zambia. The investment will support the national First 1000 Most Critical Days Program, launched on 3 April by Vice President of Zambia, Guy Scott.

The UK, jointly with other development partners, will also establish a Scaling Up Nutrition Fund in Zambia to align donor resources behind the First 1000 Most Critical Days Program. The fund also aims to increase coordination among NGOs, the academic community and other stakeholder working on nutrition in Zambia, as well as support evidence-based research and program monitoring and evaluation.

Remarking on the UK commitment, Head of the UK Department for International Development (DFID) office in Zambia, Mr. Kevin Qinnlan said, “we are delighted to be working with the Zambian Government in its efforts to reduce these very high levels of under-nutrition and ensure that all children have an opportunity to lead healthy and productive lives in line with its Vision 2030.”

Vice President Scott has praised the collaboration of stakeholders working to scale up nutrition in Zambia and acknowledges the need for ongoing concerted efforts to ensure that the 100 Most Critical Days Program is effectively implemented.

Speaking at the occasion of the Program launch, Zambia Civil Society Scaling Up Nutrition Alliance National Coordinator, William Chilufya said ‘the national strategy and program marks a significant milestone in Zambia’s fight against malnutrition.’

Read additional information via the source links below:
‘UK provides K130m to fight child under-nutrition in Zambia’ (Zambia Watchdog)
‘Guy Scott Talks Nutrition’ (Zambia Reports)

Find out additional information on progress towards scaling up nutrition in Zambia ▶

