UK Reconfirms Commitment to Tackle Malnutrition in 2013

The UK Government has reaffirmed their commitment to tackle hunger and malnutrition – confirming their promise to host a special event ahead of the G8 summit.

January 28, 2013 - Last update: July 4, 2022

The UK Government has reaffirmed their commitment to tackle hunger and malnutrition – confirming their promise to host a special event ahead of the G8 summit. This comes amid growing buzz around the launch of the new‘Enough IF’ campaign to encourage governments to fulfill their commitments and take action to eradicate global malnutrition.

Prime Minister David Cameron released a message supporting the new campaign and confirmed the UK’s leadership in moving the agenda forward in 2013, building on commitments made at last year’s Olympic Hunger Summit hosted by the UK Government. Cameron said that he welcomes the NGO campaign, recognized that this is an issue that the UK public will be campaigning on this year and is “determined that this Coalition Government will listen to their passion and lead the world.”

The Prime Minister further confirmed that the UK would display this commitment by hosting a special event before the G8 summit, and emphasized his aim to “see scientific innovation, better accountability by governments, the private sector doing more, and greater cooperation between governments, civil society and business.” Cameron added: “Together we can help tackle undernutrition, prevent stunting and improve children’s life chances.”

UK International Development Secretary, Justine Greening also spoke at the Parliamentary launch of the ‘Enough IF’ campaign, welcoming the support of the campaign in advancing public attention and support for eradicating malnutrition and hunger, and set out clear actions by the UK government to drive this agenda forward. “The battle to end hunger is central to the UK agenda in 2013 and beyond [and] with the help and momentum generated by the IF Campaign…we have a real chance to make this possible,” she said.

Greening pledged that the UK would be the first country to meet their commitment to spend 0.7% of national income of development. She also echoed the Prime Minister’s commitment to build on the legacy of last year’s Olympic Hunger Summit and bring leaders together at a major event this summer to tackle undernutrition, among other actions to drive progress forward in 2013 and towards the post-2015 development agenda.

Learn more about the ‘Enough IF’ campaign.
Watch Prime Minster David Cameron’s full message.
Read Secretary Justine Greening’s full remarks.
