UN colleagues across regions come together under the auspices of the UN Network for SUN to take stock of UN nutrition support and plot the way forward

On 20 October 2015, over one-hundred United Nations colleagues (including from UNICEF, FAO, WHO, IFAD, WFP, IAEA and REACH, UNSCN, GNC among others) from 48 countries gathered for a UN Network for SUN meeting as part of the SUN Movement Global Gathering in Milan. The SUN…

October 30, 2015 - Last update: February 10, 2023

IMG_0148On 20 October 2015, over one-hundred United Nations colleagues (including from UNICEF, FAO, WHO, IFAD, WFP, IAEA and REACH, UNSCN, GNC among others) from 48 countries gathered for a UN Network for SUN meeting as part of the SUN Movement Global Gathering in Milan. The SUN Movement Global Gathering session of the UN Network brought together colleagues from UN Networks across regions, where the SUN Movement is active, for the first time.

The meeting marked an occasion to highlight the complementarities of UN nutrition support provided by the member agencies, drawing on the experience of the recent UN Nutrition Inventory undertaken in Burkina Faso. It also enabled agencies to share perspectives on how to strengthen the UN’s contribution to achieve the SUN 2.0 strategy, sharing the good practice of the UN country team’s experience in Mozambique.

The UN Network session provided an opportunity to showcase the emerging work on the UN Network for SUN Dashboard piloted in Ghana, which measures the performance of the UN Network at the country level in an effort to foster accountability of the UN’s contribution to the greater SUN Movement. Participants also explored the role of REACH in supporting countries with SUN processes and the linkages between the UN nutrition cluster and the UN network/REACH.

