UN Network for SUN webinar series profiles WFP’s Fill the Nutrition Gap tool

UN Network for SUN webinar series profiles WFP’s Fill the Nutrition Gap tool

From 19 to 21 September 2017, the Word Food Programme hosted a webinar with SecureNutrition as part of the UN Network for SUN webinar series, to introduce the Fill the Nutrient Gap (FNG) tool to stakeholders and colleagues, who are engaged in designing multi-sectoral strategies for nutrition at the country level.

October 6, 2017 - Last update: July 4, 2022

From 19 to 21 September 2017, the UN Network for SUN and SecureNutrition jointly hosted a webinar on a new WFP tool, called Fill the Nutrient Gap (FNG). The webinars were part of a greater UN Network for SUN webinar series, which seeks to facilitate knowledge exchange within the UN Network and beyond.

During the webinars, WFP colleagues presented how the FNG analysis and decision-making process helps to identify nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive actions that are context-appropriate. The FNG tool draws upon secondary data and the Cost of the Diet (CotD) linear programming software to ascertain whether key target groups can access and consume nutritious foods, and ultimately, whether they meet recommended nutrient intakes. The analysis can also shed light on how unhealthy eating habits affect the cost of the diet, and is used to assess the potential contribution of different combinations of nutrition specific and sensitive interventions on improving the affordability of nutritious diets for different target groups. In addition, the webinars outlined the process undertaken, noting how actors from multiple stakeholder groups and sectors are engaged (e.g. agriculture, food systems, health, social protection, education) by contributing data, reviewing findings and formulating recommendations.

Example of an insight from Cambodia (slide 23 of the presentation).

A number of insightful country examples from different regions were presented to help stakeholders understand the types of findings that can be generated by an FNG analysis. Participants were able to hear how the FNG tool was able to strengthen nutrition situation analysis and link that to decision-making at the country level. A rich question and answer session was held at the end of the respective webinars, moderated by the Acting Global Coordinator of the UN Network for SUN.

Watch the recording (requires WebEx browser download) English Français Español

Download the slides. (PDF, 4.5 MB) English Français Español

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