UNICEF launches their 2014 Progress Report for A Promise Renewed

In September 2014, UNICEF launched the progress report for their child survival call to action – A Promise Renewed. The annual report focuses on newborn survival and discusses levels and trends in under-five and neonatal mortality and analyses key interventions for mothers and newborns. The…

September 30, 2014 - Last update: February 10, 2023

In September 2014, UNICEF launched the progress report for their child survival call to action – A Promise Renewed. The annual report focuses on newborn survival and discusses levels and trends in under-five and neonatal mortality and analyses key interventions for mothers and newborns.

The report is divided into three main sections

  1. The global landscape of child survival
  2. The PromiseL Reaching every newborn with quality care
  3. Delivering on the promise of child survival

Learn more at A Promise Renewed

Download the report from UNICEF

