Update: Scaling Up Nutrition – What Will it Cost?

An update on progress to date on efforts underway to estimate the overall cost of scaling up nutrition in SUN countries now available.

February 28, 2013 - Last update: July 4, 2022

Well-presented estimates of how much it will cost to scale up nutrition can help enhance political commitment and mobilize resources. This is why the SUN secretariat is coordinating two complementary streams of work:

  • Estimating the cost of scaling up nutrition (starting by cumulating the unit costs of direct – or nutrition-specific – interventions: then adding in the costs associated with ensuring that development is nutrition-sensitive); and
  • Aggregating the costs of implementing national plans for improved nutrition.

On 6th February 2013, the SUN Movement Secretariat posted an update explaining these two streams of work.

An update on the report outlining progress to date is now available.
View the Updated Report ▶
