U.S. Department of State and USAID Host “A Healthy Start for Children: Scaling Up Nutrition in Guatemala”

On 3 April, USAID’s Acting Special Representative for Global Food Security, Jonathan Shrier hosted Guatemalan Minister of Health, Jorge Villavicencio and other Guatemalan Government officials, private sector representatives and a panel of nutrition experts to discuss Guatemala’s “Zero Hunger Pact”.

April 11, 2013 - Last update: February 10, 2023

On 3 April, USAID’s Acting Special Representative for Global Food Security, Jonathan Shrier hosted Guatemalan Minister of Health, Jorge Villavicencio and other Guatemalan Government officials, private sector representatives and a panel of nutrition experts to discuss Guatemala’s “Zero Hunger Pact” (“Pacto Cero Hambre”).

The group, which included representatives from the U.S. Department of State, USAID, the World Bank, World Food Program-USA, the 1,000 Days Partnership and the Inter-American Development Bank focused discussions on progress and next steps for implementing Zero Hunger – which aims to reduce chronic malnutrition among children in Guatemala by ten percentage points by 2015.

Acting Special Representative Shrier “welcomed the Government of Guatemala’s commitment to support the Scaling Up Nutrition principles and commended the government for its leadership in working with the international community, Guatemalan civil society and private sector partners to address child undernutrition in Guatemala, particularly in the 1,000 days from pregnancy through a child’s second birthday.”

Read the Full Press Release ▶

