Visit to Maharashtra energises champions across the Indian State

Visit to Maharashtra energises champions across the Indian State

On 23 May 2017, SUN Movement Coordinator, Ms Gerda Verburg, along with a delegation from the SUN Movement Secretariat, travelled to Mumbai, in the Indian State of Maharashtra, where they met with a range of nutrition champions scaling up nutrition across the region.

June 8, 2017 - Last update: February 10, 2023

On 23 May 2017, SUN Movement Coordinator, Ms Gerda Verburg, along with a delegation from the SUN Movement Secretariat, travelled to Mumbai, in the Indian State of Maharashtra, where they met with a range of nutrition champions scaling up nutrition across the region.

The delegation met with political journalist Ms. Neerja Chowdhury, Ms. Vandana Krishna, Director General of the successful Rajmata Jijau Mother-Child Health and Nutrition Mission and SUN Government Focal Point, in addition to Hon. Sumeet Mallick, Chief Secretary of Maharashtra in a bid to congratulate the State of Maharashtra on stepping up efforts to monitor the nutrition status of its population.

Members of the research community, philanthropic foundations and UNICEF – who play a catalytic role in support of the State Government’s flagship programmes and schemes – were also convened during the one day visit.

This visit formed part of a mission across Indian States by the SUN Movement Coordinator and a delegation of the SUN Movement Secretariat. The mission coincided with the 2017 African Development Bank Annual Meeting in Gujarat and was followed by visits to Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh and Delhi.


Civil society