Webinar: Planning and Tracking Multi-Sectoral Investments for Improved Nutrition

On 19th May 2015, a webinar was held by Strengthening Partnerships, Results and Innovations in Nutrition Globally (SPRING) on Planning and Tracking Multi-Sectoral Investments for Improved Nutrition. The webinar is part of the SPRING Better Data for Nutrition webinar series which draws on SPRING’s team of nutrition, agriculture, and…

May 26, 2015 - Last update: February 10, 2023

On 19th spring_bdfn_webinar_series_smMay 2015, a webinar was held by Strengthening Partnerships, Results and Innovations in Nutrition Globally (SPRING) on Planning and Tracking Multi-Sectoral Investments for Improved Nutrition. The webinar is part of the SPRING Better Data for Nutrition webinar series which draws on SPRING’s team of nutrition, agriculture, and behavior change experts who share and discuss tools that help to make better use of data for improved nutrition outcomes.

Better planning and understanding of current budget allocations can unlock money (both new and existing) for nutrition. This webinar reviewed available data on nutrition financing, including the challenges of obtaining accurate nutrition financing estimates. The webinar highlighted the leading role countries in the SUN Movement are taking to define nutrition estimates, particularly following the recent SUN Country Budget Analysis Exercise.

Presenters during the webinar were Patrizia Fracassi from the SUN Movement Secretariat and Amanda Pomeroy-Stevens from SPRING.


Learn more about the webinar and download the recording and presentations at the SPRING website

Learn more about the SUN Budget Analysis Exercise here
