Yemen Minister of Planning confirms nutrition is a prominent government priority

On 6th January 2015, the Yemen Minister of Planning and International Cooperation, Mohamed al-Maitami, met with nutrition representatives from multiple UN organizations. The meeting reviewed the progress made in Yemem since joining the SUN movement in November 2012, as well as the discussion of issues related to the cooperation between…

January 7, 2015 - Last update: February 10, 2023

On 6th January 2015, the Yemen Minister of Planning and International Cooperation, Mohamed al-Maitami, met with nutrition representatives from multiple UN organizations. The meeting reviewed the progress made in Yemem since joining the SUN movement in November 2012, as well as the discussion of issues related to the cooperation between Yemen and UNICEF.

Al-Maitami confirmed that the reduction of the humanitarian consequences resulting from the nutritional problem in Yemen is one of the most prominent government priorities.

Read more at Saba Net


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