The Zambia Parliamentary Committee on Health, Community Development and Social Services learns about the multi-faceted challenges of malnutrition

On the 5th February 2015, the Parliamentary Committee on Health, Community Development and Social Services in Zambia invited the Civil Society for Scaling Up Nutrition (CSO-SUN) to review progress made by Zambia towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals. Coordinator of CSO-SUN, William Chilyufa said the new post-2015…

February 6, 2015 - Last update: February 10, 2023

On the 5th February 2015, the Parliamentary Committee on Health, Community Development and Social Services in Zambia invited the Civil Society for Scaling Up Nutrition (CSO-SUN) to review progress made by Zambia towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals. Coordinator of CSO-SUN, William Chilyufa said the new post-2015 goals should aim to end hunger and reduce malnutrition in all its forms. ‘The post-2015 framework should include a standalone food and nutrition security goal that aims for food and nutrition security for all”. He added that reducing stunting and wasting requires a multi-sectoral response targeted at the poorest and most vulnerable.

‘Nutrition-related targets and indicators should be incorporated into other potential goals, including goals related to children’s health and mortality; women’s health and mortality; gender equality and women’s empowerment; water, sanitation and hygiene; education; and governance.. There are enough country examples to suggest that with political will, the right mix of policies, and adequate resources, it is feasible to make dramatic improvements in maternal and child nutrition, end stunting and wasting, and increase rates of exclusive breastfeeding. The post-2015 framework is an opportunity to raise the level of ambition,’ he said.

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