Zambia: SUN Civil Society Coordinator encourages establishment of local milling companies

[LUSAKA TIMES] – Zambia Civil Society Scaling Nutrition Coordinator Chilfuya William has implored government to engage the private sector in establishing small milling companies in districts throughout the country.

March 27, 2013 - Last update: February 10, 2023

[LUSAKA TIMES] 24 March 2013 – Zambia Civil Society Scaling Nutrition Coordinator Chilfuya William has implored government to engage the private sector in establishing small milling companies in districts throughout the country. Mr Chilufya explained that establishing small milling companies in districts will greatly assist in reducing costs associated in transporting maize grain to millers along the line of railway. He said transportation costs are contributing to high prices of mealie meal adding that prices of mealie meal can only be reduced further if only government encouraged the setting up of milling companies in districts.

Mr Chilufya stressed that the challenge is with government to ensure that areas that grow abundant maize are given attention by establishing small milling companies so as to cushion high mealie meal prices and shortages. He insisted that high prices of mealie meal will delay scaling up programmes aimed at alleviating malnutrition. Read More ▶

