Chad - Mahamat Bechir

Mahamat Bechir



Mahamat Bechir defended his PhD in epidemiology, nutrition at the University of Basel (2010). He developed his expertise in pastoralism in a project on the health of nomadic people, implemented by Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute in Chad. He then applied “one health” approaches within the same institut to large studies on nutritional and environmental aspects. Mahamat Bechir was also the head manager of nutrition in the Ministry of Health in Chad, a nutritional specialist at UNICEF and nutritional policy facilitator with REACH, UN in Guinea. He published more than thirty papers on nutrition and pastoralism. He is now a Heat Manager of Sahelian Alliance for Research and Sustainable Development "Alliance Sahélienne de Recherches Appliquées pour le Développement Durable" (ASRADD) (