
Exploring the role of food retail environments for improved diets

Exploring the role of food retail environments for improved diets

May 17, 2024 - Last update: May 20, 2024

Join the Coalition of Action on Healthy Diets from Sustainable Food Systems for Children and All (HDSFS) for a webinar under the auspices of Function 1 'Aligning policies and actions for healthy food environments' entitled Exploring the role of food retail environments for improved diets.

Objectives of the event:

  • To provide an overview of food environments and more specifically food retail environments, and how they can play a pivotal role in food systems transformation. 
  • To share examples of policies and actions that countries are taking to improve food retail environments. 
  • To learn from Member countries the experiences and challenges they encounter in aligning policies and actions for healthy food environments.
  • To gauge interest from Member countries to explore policy mapping aiming at strengthening food environments, especially by recognizing the role of the retail sector in contributing to availability, accessibility and affordability of healthier diets.

To register, click here.

More details will be added here when confirmed.

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Food Systems