Said Shamsul Islam Shams

Said Shamsul Islam Shams

Programme Policy Officer Nutrition, WFP Afghanistan
World Food Programme (WFP)
Humanitarian Expert


Dr. Said Shamsul Islam Shams is an Afghan national with more than 20 years of working experience in complex humanitarian and fragile context. Mr. Shams is a medical doctor with master’s degree in International Healthcare Management, Economics and Policy from the University of Bocconi and master’s degree in Business Administration from the International University of Applied Sciences (IU). 

Dr. Shams has long-term working experience with the International NGOs, United Nations, and the Government of Afghanistan with focus on policy, strategic planning, advocacy, and programme management and has managed numerous strategic and operational partnerships with the UN, NGOs, Civil Society, Private Sector, and Human Rights Organisations. 

From October 2017 to August 2022, Dr. Shams served as Coordinator of the Technical Secretariat of the Afghanistan Food Security and Nutrition Agenda and as a Technical SUN focal point for Afghanistan, where he contributed to several national and global SUN related strategic processes including development of the Afghanistan Food Security and Nutrition Agenda Strategic Plan and multi-country discussions on Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement Strategy 3.0 [2021-2025]. At present, Dr. Shams is working with the World Food Programme in the Country Office in Afghanistan as a Programme Policy Officer for Nutrition. In the past three years Dr. Shams also served as an alternate member for the humanitarian seat at the SUN ExCom.