Case study: Leveraging the Office of the Prime Minister to enhance nutrition coordination in Tanzania

Fri, 08 Mar, 2024

Nutrition extends across various sectors, and involves several stakeholders like the government, civil society, UN agencies, academia, and the private sector, all contributing in distinct ways to influence nutrition outcomes within a country.

This case study from Tanzania documents the successful practices related to well-functioning Multi-Stakeholder/ Multisectoral Platforms (MSPs) aimed at achieving the country’s nutrition goals and objectives.

The focus of this case study is on addressing five fundamental questions:

  1. What defines a multi-stakeholder/multi-sectoral platform at the local level?
  2. What governance arrangements characterize multi-stakeholder/multi-sectoral platforms across different settings?
  3. How are multi-stakeholder/multi-sectoral platforms structured at the country level?
  4. What are the significant achievements and emerging challenges encountered by these platforms?
  5. How can we ensure the sustainability of gains achieved by well-functioning multi-stakeholder/multi-sectoral platforms?


Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement
East and Southern Africa
Resource type
Case studies
Multistakeholder/Multisectoral approach
Academia Civil society Donors Government Private sector United Nations Youth