Information systems for Nutrition: Burkina Faso, Viet Nam, Indonesia and Peru

Thu, 11 Aug, 2022

National information systems for nutrition involve the continuous collection, analysis and interpretation of nutrition-related data. They are essential for assessing current and changing nutritional status of populations, tracking the progress of actions, and prioritising efforts towards improving nutrition.

These case studies highlight examples from four countries. Each provides an overview of the main characteristics of information systems for nutrition, use of data, and key recommendations to be considered by other countries:

  • Burkina Faso – creating a reliable multisectoral information system for health and nutrition
  • Viet Nam – contributing to a National Action Programme on Zero Hunger with a multisectoral information system for food systems and nutrition
  • Indonesia – an integrated monitoring dashboard for the Acceleration of Stunting Reduction Programme
  • Peru – monitoring the budget and public investment for nutrition


Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement
Resource type
Case studies
Burkina Faso Indonesia Peru Viet Nam