Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement Secretariat Annual Report 2023

Mon, 01 Jul, 2024

In 2023, the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement Secretariat (SMS) took an array of calculated steps designed to help its 66 member countries and four Indian states achieve their nutrition goals and, more broadly, advance the global ambition of ending malnutrition in all its forms by 2030. All of the Secretariat’s work is driven by the defined needs and priorities of SUN countries.

In line with the SUN Strategy 3.0 2021–2025 (SUN 3.0), much of this activity was carried out by the Secretariat’s four newly established regional hubs – in Nairobi for Anglophone Africa, Dakar for Francophone Africa, Panama City for Latin America and the Caribbean, and Bangkok for Asia – as well as by the Geneva based SUN Convergence Hub, which supports the fragile and conflict-affected states that are part of the SUN Movement.

The SMS also worked in close collaboration with other parts of the Movement’s Global Support System (GSS), which includes the SUN Coordinator and four SUN networks that, operating worldwide and at country level, form the backbone of the Movement’s success. These are the SUN Civil Society Network, the SUN Business Network, the SUN Donor Network and UN-Nutrition.

The actions and engagements set out in this report are strategic, meaning they were conducted in line with the Secretariat’s 2023 workplan so as to deliver the outcomes set out under SUN 3.0’s four objectives. While the structure of the report broadly aligns with these goals, it does not strive to offer an exhaustive account of all related activities and milestones. Rather, this report offers a series of snapshots that illustrate key achievements.


Resource type
SUN operations documents