
Displaying 2041 - 2060 of 4221

Mobile Cinema to mobilize communities against malnutrition in Burundi

Text and photos by the Burundi Red Cross The Burundi Red Cross uses mobile cinema in different communities of the country for good-practice awareness campaigns. On 21 May 2018, it was the turn of the commune of Mutimbuzi, in the province of Bujumbura. More than…
Publication date: FRI, 6 JUL, 2018

The cost of children’s malnutrition for the economy of Mali

The economy of Mali is losing 265 billion CFA francs (USD 450 million) – more than 4 percent of annual GDP – to the effects of child undernutrition, a multi-agency study has found. The Cost of Hunger in Mali (COHA), blames the losses on increased…
Publication date: FRI, 6 JUL, 2018

Development of Kenya’s aquaculture sector could tackle chronic malnutrition and food insecurity

More than 35,000 rural households in Kenya will soon be eating better and earning more money thanks to a new financial agreement signed today by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the Republic of Kenya in support of the country’s aquaculture sector. With…
Publication date: FRI, 6 JUL, 2018

Malawi launches Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Policy and Strategy

Malawi First Lady, Madam Gertrude Mutharika, launched the 2018 – 2022 National Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Policy (NMNP) and Strategic Plan on 20th June 2018 in Lilongwe. The First Lady commended the launch of the policy, describing it as a critical ingredient for Malawi’s national development, which…
Publication date: WED, 4 JUL, 2018

No More Missed Opportunities. Advancing Public-Private Partnerships to Achieve the Global Nutrition Goals

A new report calls for governments and companies to join forces to tackle global malnutrition, saying that achievement of the nutrition-related UN Sustainable Development Goals requires leveraging the resources of firms, financiers and shareholders, to work with civil society stakeholders to support the nutrition priorities of governments….
Publication date: WED, 4 JUL, 2018

WHO supports stabilization centres to treat malnourished children in South Sudan

In South Sudan, food insecurity continues to deteriorate to Emergency (IPC Phase 4) due to displacement, restrictions on movement and trade flows, and limited access to normal livelihoods activities. As measured on the latest Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC), 63 per cent of the…
Publication date: TUE, 3 JUL, 2018

SUN Movement Newsletter: May 2018

The SUN Nutrition Hub at the World Health Assembly A space for dialogue and learning for greater impact at country level English | Français | Español
Publication date: TUE, 3 JUL, 2018

SUN Movement Newsletter: March 2018

Time is now to Scale Up Women´s Rights and nutrition activism in Africa English | Français | Español
Publication date: TUE, 3 JUL, 2018

UN CERF releases funds to avert acute hunger and malnutrition in the Sahel

UN’s Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) released USD 30 million from the to urgently scale-up relief efforts in West Africa’s Sahel, where an acute drought, combined with exceptionally high food prices and worsening insecurity, has escalated humanitarian needs. Thousands of families have exhausted their food…
Publication date: MON, 2 JUL, 2018
RESOURCE / SUN Progress Reports

SUN Progress Report 2018

Publication date: SUN, 1 JUL, 2018

UNSCN Brief “Non-communicable diseases, diets and nutrition”

Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are now the leading cause of mortality worldwide; they are responsible for 70 per cent of global deaths; equivalent to 40 million people. The health and economic repercussions of this trend are enormous. Millions of people will experience premature mortality or compromised…
Publication date: FRI, 29 JUN, 2018

Food and nutrition security monitoring commences in Guatemala

Food and Nutrition Security Monitoring (MONISAN) is conducted nationally to monitor interventions related to food and nutrition security among government program beneficiaries, expanding the Monitoring of the Thousand Day Window Actions (MONIMIL) that is used for FNS implementation. According to point 10.6 of the…
Publication date: THU, 28 JUN, 2018
RESOURCE / SUN operations documents

Annual Financial Report (1 January 2017 – 31 December 2017)

Publication date: THU, 28 JUN, 2018
RESOURCE / SUN Progress Reports

Annual Implementation Report (1 January 2017 – 31 December 2017)

Publication date: THU, 28 JUN, 2018

Breastfeeding: A Mother’s Gift, for Every Child

This report from UNICEF shares new analysis on breastfeeding practices around the world and sets out key recommendations for governments, the private sector, civil society and communities in low-, middle- and high-income countries to increase breastfeeding rates. The report finds that more than 1 in…
Publication date: WED, 27 JUN, 2018

King Letsie III of Lesotho: ‘Multi-stakeholder collaboration critical to ending malnutrition’

The Special Ambassador for Nutrition for the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), King Letsie III of the Kingdom of Lesotho, has said collaboration among various stakeholders on nutrition is critical to ending malnutrition in a country. King Letsie III said this at the…
Publication date: WED, 27 JUN, 2018

SUN Movement Coordinator: “Improved nutrition is a maker and marker of development that needs collaboration and investment”

SUN Movement Coordinator, Gerda Verburg, participated in the National Food and Nutrition Summit in Lusaka during her visit to Zambia, which has been a member of the SUN Movement since December 2010. The conference, focused on the theme “Investing in Food and Nutrition for Accelerated National Development – Walk…
Publication date: TUE, 26 JUN, 2018

SUN Lead Group member David Nabarro and SUN Executive Committee member Lawrence Haddad win 2018 World Food Prize

Dr. David Nabarro, SUN Lead Group member and Dr. Lawrence Haddad, SUN Executive Committee member, were announced today as the 2018 World Food Prize Laureates during a ceremony at the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The Prize rewards their individual but complementary global leadership in elevating…
Publication date: MON, 25 JUN, 2018

The SUN Nutrition Hub at the WHA – A space for dialogue and learning for greater impact at country level

The Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement Secretariat, together with SUN Movement Networks and multiple partners, hosted the first ever SUN Nutrition Hub in Villa Bocage, Palais des Nations, during the World Health Assembly (WHA). The Nutrition Hub provided a space for SUN country representatives and…
Publication date: WED, 20 JUN, 2018

Ghana launches Zero Hunger strategic review report

Everyone living in Ghana can have adequate and nutritious food throughout the year, if there is a stronger integration between the pillars that affect food security and nutrition, under the leadership of the government, says a report launched today in Accra. The report, “Addressing Sustainable…
Publication date: WED, 20 JUN, 2018