
Displaying 2161 - 2180 of 4221
RESOURCE / Country Profiles

Country Dashboard - Previous Version - Tanzania

Publication date: THU, 1 MAR, 2018
RESOURCE / Country Profiles

Country Dashboard - Previous Version - Togo

Publication date: THU, 1 MAR, 2018
RESOURCE / Country Profiles

Country Dashboard - Previous Version - Uganda

Publication date: THU, 1 MAR, 2018
RESOURCE / Country Profiles

Country Dashboard - Previous Version - Viet Nam

Publication date: THU, 1 MAR, 2018
RESOURCE / Country Profiles

Country Dashboard - Previous Version - Yemen

Publication date: THU, 1 MAR, 2018
RESOURCE / Country Profiles

Country Dashboard - Previous Version - Zambia

Publication date: THU, 1 MAR, 2018
RESOURCE / Country Profiles

Country Dashboard - Previous Version - Zimbabwe

Publication date: THU, 1 MAR, 2018

Fill the Nutrient Gap in Pakistan

The Fill the Nutrient Gap* tool is used to identify which nutrition specific and nutrition-sensitive interventions are most appropriate for a given context to improve nutrient intake, one of the two direct causes of malnutrition (the other cause being disease). Any intervention should ultimately result…
Publication date: TUE, 27 FEB, 2018

Swiss contribution in DRC to contribute to reducing chronic malnutrition

The Swiss Cooperation contribution in DRC will contribute to reducing the prevalence of chronic malnutrition in children under 5 years old and to meeting the nutrition needs of 12,000 pregnant women and nursing mothers and 12,000 children aged 6 to 23 months, through the various interventions of United Nations agencies. This funding will be over a period of three years. Aid with a value of US$3 million will enable UNICEF, FAO and WFP to continue and extend their project to combat chronic malnutrition in the health areas of Bunyakiri and Minova, in Sud-Kivu province.
Publication date: FRI, 23 FEB, 2018

How nutritious is your product?

The fight against nutritional deficiencies can only be won with a multifaceted approach. It calls for individuals, food producers and the government joining hands together to ensure success. In the last few years, there has been some heightened level of nutrition awareness amongst some Nigerians.
Publication date: THU, 22 FEB, 2018

Somalia nutrition cluster geo-tagging: capacity assessment

The *Somalia Nutrition Cluster commissioned Forcier to geo-tag nutrition services delivery sites and assess their capacity across Somaliland, Puntland and central and southern Somalia. The main objective was to validate the operational status of the sites and identify gaps in service delivery to strengthen the…
Publication date: MON, 19 FEB, 2018

UN agencies united to “eradicate malnutrition” in Haiti

In late December, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the World Food Programme (WFP) announced an alliance “to join forces to support the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean in the fight…
Publication date: MON, 19 FEB, 2018
RESOURCE / SUN operations documents

SUN Movement Executive Committee Call to Action 2018

Publication date: THU, 15 FEB, 2018

Food security and nutrition crisis, appeal for a response at scale in Chad

On 25 Jan 2018, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) presented the report “Chad: food security and nutrition crisis. Appeal for a response at scale“. In Chad, over four million people are affected by food insecurity and malnutrition each year….
Publication date: WED, 14 FEB, 2018

National Nutrition Survey 2018 launched in Pakistan

A country-wide survey to collect information on the nutritional status of women and children, food security and household water quality is about to begin under a joint collaboration between the Ministry of National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination, the Aga Khan University and UNICEF. For the…
Publication date: TUE, 13 FEB, 2018

Philippines economic loss from children under nutrition

Widespread child under-nutrition causes the Philippines an annual loss of more than USD 4 bn, according to a new UNICEF report. The report, entitled Economic Consequences of Undernutrition in the Philippines , was prepared in conjunction with the Department of Health, the National Nutrition Council…
Publication date: MON, 12 FEB, 2018

Defeating malnutrition in Tajikistan with the support from the WFP and USAID

The Prevention and Treatment of Moderate Acute Malnutrition Project funded by USAID and implemented by the WFP supports the Government of Tajikistan in improving nutrition and healthcare in the Balkhi, Shahritus, Kulob and Dusti districts of Khatlon and the Ayni district of Sughd. Through USAID…
Publication date: THU, 8 FEB, 2018

A push to Cote d’Ivoire to increase the coverage of early childhood nutrition

On 19 January 2018, the World Bank today approved a total amount of USD 60.4 million (about FCFA32 billion) in the form of a credit from the International Development Association (IDA), and a grant from the Power of Nutrition Trust Fund (USD 10.4 million), to…
Publication date: THU, 8 FEB, 2018

What does it take to sustain Scaling Up Nutrition? Some reflections from Zambia

At the end of 2017, Concern, along with CARE and other nutrition stakeholders, developed three case studies to look at different aspects of the SUN Movement in Zambia and work out what it takes to sustain Scaling Up Nutrition. We examined the coordination and alignment across sectors at the level of implementation, the willingness of government and donors to cooperation and collaborate in their interventions and the role of civil society in SUN.
Publication date: TUE, 6 FEB, 2018

SUN Movement Executive Committee Retreat, guidance for the Movement’s road ahead

On 16 and 17 January 2018, the Scaling Up Nutrition Movement Executive Committee members gathered at the SUN Secretariat in Geneva for their second retreat. The two-day meeting provided an opportunity for the Executive Committee to appreciate the achievements and challenges of the SUN Movement.
Publication date: THU, 1 FEB, 2018