
Displaying 641 - 660 of 4221
RESOURCE / Briefs/ fact sheets

Nature Commentary: Act now before Ukraine war plunges millions into malnutrition

Publication date: THU, 28 APR, 2022
RESOURCE / Briefs/ fact sheets

Brief: Gender and Nutrition -- bringing nutrition to more women, and more women to nutrition

Publication date: FRI, 22 APR, 2022

War against Ukraine and global pandemic creating global health and nutrition crisis for millions of women and children

WASHINGTON DC (21 April 2022)—New analysis published today in the scientific journal Nature by global nutrition leaders, reveals that the war against Ukraine threatens to increase the number of malnourished people who have already suffered from reduced diets and health systems support due to COVID-19….
Publication date: THU, 21 APR, 2022
RESOURCE / Briefs/ fact sheets

Global Impact of war in Ukraine on food, energy and finance systems

Publication date: WED, 13 APR, 2022
RESOURCE / National plans

National Multi-Stakeholder Platform - Pakistan

Publication date: MON, 28 MAR, 2022

Multistakeholder Somalia national nutrition learning event brings key experts together to advance national nutrition goals

The first Somalia National Nutrition Learning Event themed, “Strengthening sustainable nutrition resilience through proven multisectoral innovations, integration and adaptive responses in Somalia” is was opened today in Mogadishu and runs for three todays through to 17 March. The event is a platform for knowledge…
Publication date: TUE, 15 MAR, 2022
RESOURCE / SUN Progress Reports

Final Progress Donor Report (2018–2021)

Publication date: TUE, 1 MAR, 2022
RESOURCE / National plans

Advocacy And Comms Plan - Peru

Publication date: TUE, 1 MAR, 2022
RESOURCE / SUN operations documents

Annual Implementation Report (1 January 2021 – 31 December 2021)

Publication date: SUN, 27 FEB, 2022
RESOURCE / National plans

National Nutrition Plan - 1 - Nepal

Publication date: SUN, 27 FEB, 2022
RESOURCE / National plans

National Multi-Stakeholder Platform - Nepal

Publication date: SUN, 27 FEB, 2022
RESOURCE / National plans

Advocacy And Comms Plan - Gabon

Publication date: FRI, 25 FEB, 2022

SUN Movement Statement of Support for the African Union's 2022 Year of Nutrition for Africa

SUN Movement Statement of Support for the African Union’s 2022 Year of Nutrition for Africa: The leadership of African Union and African Heads of State and Government, in designating 2022 as Year of Nutrition for Africa, is strongly applauded by the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN)…
Publication date: MON, 7 FEB, 2022
RESOURCE / SUN operations documents

Final Implementation Report of the SUN Movement Secretariat – 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2021 (Phase 2)

Publication date: TUE, 1 FEB, 2022
RESOURCE / National plans

National Multi-Stakeholder Platform - Central African Republic

Publication date: TUE, 1 FEB, 2022
RESOURCE / SUN operations documents

Final Financial Report of the SUN Movement Secretariat – 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2021 (Phase 2)

Publication date: TUE, 1 FEB, 2022

Call For Applications – SUN Movement Executive Committee Finance Task Team for Specialized Independent Experts

DEADLINE EXTENDED TO 1 MARCH 2022 The newly installed SUN Movement Executive Committee (ExCom) has called for the creation of a permanent Finance Task Team. Its work will be focusing on nutrition financing, primarily at country level and support resource mobilization, innovative thinking, advocacy, and…
Publication date: MON, 31 JAN, 2022
RESOURCE / National plans

National Multi-stakeholder Platform

Publication date: MON, 31 JAN, 2022

The Scaling Up Nutrition Movement -- supporting countries to reach their nutrition targets!

Publication date: TUE, 25 JAN, 2022


Publication date: TUE, 25 JAN, 2022