Burkina Faso
Joined Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement
June 2011
National multi-stakeholder platform for nutrition
National Council for Nutrition
Sun Government Focal Point/Country Coordinator
Dr Ella Compaore, Technical Secretary in charge of multisectorality for nutrition, Ministry of Public Health and Hygiene
Country nutrition status 2022
- Yes
- In process
- No
- Costed
- M&E framework
National multi-stakeholder platform (MSP)
National nutrition plan
Advocacy and communications framework/plan
Subnational nutrition coordination mechanism
SUN networks in-country presence
Finance for nutrition
Country priorities 2022
2022 Shared country good practice
Forum for strengthening the multisectoral approach in the fight against malnutrition in Burkina Faso
Gather together stakeholders
Forum held on 13 and 14 December 2022 bringing together all stakeholders in the form of panels. Several topics related to nutrition were discussed and were accompanied by a final statement from the participants in favour of nutrition
Progress towards SUN 3.0 Strategic Objectives (SO)
Despite the country's security and socio-political contexts, the highest authorities have reaffirmed their commitment to nutrition. Raising the level of institutional anchoring of nutrition is not called into question, and its operationalisation remains a priority.
The country's commitments in the field of nutrition, as well as the priorities identified for 2023, have been formulated by consensus with all the stakeholders. Each sector is committed to playing its part to achieve the objectives set.
Strengthening of the skills of the actors of the national multisectoral platform on specific themes such as the budgetary exercise, cartography and leadership in nutrition.
National expertise was favoured for actions such as the conduct of the budget monitoring exercise, as well as the development of the cartography.