SUN Countries


Joined Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement

February 2013

National multi-stakeholder platform for nutrition

Multisectoral Food Security and Nutrition

Sun Government Focal Point/Country Coordinator

Dr Célestin Sibomana, Permanent Executive Secretary of the Multisectoral Food Security and Nutrition Platform, Prime Minister's Office

Country nutrition status 2022

  • Yes
  • In process
  • No
  • Costed
  • M&E framework

National multi-stakeholder platform (MSP)

Date established
MSP annual action plan exists

Advocacy and communications framework/plan

Advocacy and communications framework/plan

Subnational nutrition coordination mechanism

Subnational MSPs exist
Subnational MSPs have annual action plans

SUN networks in-country presence

SUN Civil Society Network
SUN Business Network
SUN Academy Network
SUN Donor Network
Others: e.g. youth, parliamentarian, media

Finance for nutrition

Resource mobilization strategy exists
Budget tracking exercise done this year
Funding gaps identified this year
Domestic expenditures on nutrition tracked

Country priorities 2022

Update the mapping of food security and nutrition interventions; Collect multisectoral data on health and food security; Budget monitoring; Develop a communication and advocacy strategy.

2022 Shared country good practice

Transforming food systems and empowering women

Food systems, women

The empowerment of women through the Roadmap for Food Systems Transformation was followed by a commitment by the Women's Bank to provide support in the form of loans for development projects.

Progress towards SUN 3.0 Strategic Objectives (SO)


The establishment of Provincial and Communal Platforms for Food Security and Nutrition was an important step in strengthening multisectoral governance in Burundi, and in decentralising this governance. The provincial platforms are beginning to strengthen the communal platforms. In addition, the Permanent Executive Secretary of the Multisectoral Platform for Food Security and Nutrition is currently preparing training to build the capacity of members of the steering committees of the provincial and municipal platforms in terms of multisectoral coordination at the local level.


As part of a multisectoral approach, the Permanent Executive Secretary of the Multisectoral Food Security and Nutrition Platform will ensure that the priorities of stakeholders remain well aligned with the Multisectoral Food Security and Nutrition Strategic Plan. A joint annual review of this plan is being prepared with all stakeholders. It will be carried out by the actors implementing the Multisectoral Strategic Plan for Food Security and Nutrition from the various sectors involved. L’examen annuel conjoint de la mise en œuvre du plan stratégique permettra, avec le concours de l’ensemble des parties prenantes, d’évaluer le niveau de mise en œuvre de ce plan en vue de la préparation d'un nouveau plan.


Experience exchange visits were organised in order to learn more about the practices of other countries and to implement them in Burundi, so as to strengthen the effectiveness of multisectoral coordination at the country level, and to allow stakeholders to learn from other members of the SUN Movement.


The steering committee of the Multisectoral Platform for Food Security and Nutrition has initiated budget monitoring with the aim of learning more about the means allocated to nutrition and food security by the various stakeholders. At the same time, the mapping of stakeholders and interventions is being updated. This mapping will make it possible to know who does what, how, where and with what financial means. This will not only make it possible to identify and update food security and nutrition stakeholders and interventions in order to strengthen coordination, but also to learn more about the financial means committed to the interventions.