viet nam
SUN Countries

Viet Nam

Joined Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement

January 2014

National multi-stakeholder platform for nutrition

Nutrition Technical Working Group (MOH, Ministry of Health)

Sun Government Focal Point/Country Coordinator

Phuong Huynh, Head of Division of Scientific Management, National Institute of Nutrition (note: this is a temporary post since the former FC has retired and MOH has not yet nominated a new FC), Ministry of Health

Country nutrition status 2022

  • Yes
  • In process
  • No
  • Costed
  • M&E framework

National multi-stakeholder platform (MSP)

Date established
MSP annual action plan exists

Advocacy and communications framework/plan

Advocacy and communications framework/plan

Subnational nutrition coordination mechanism

Subnational MSPs exist
Subnational MSPs have annual action plans

SUN networks in-country presence

SUN Civil Society Network
SUN Business Network
SUN Academy Network
SUN Donor Network
Others: e.g. youth, parliamentarian, media

Finance for nutrition

Resource mobilization strategy exists
Budget tracking exercise done this year
Funding gaps identified this year
Domestic expenditures on nutrition tracked

Country priorities 2022

Scale up the three national target programmes; Develop and disseminate IEC materials using digital technology; Advocate for sustainable funding for nutrition; Appoint a SUN Government Focal Point and renew the Multi-Stakeholder Platform

2022 Shared country good practice

SUN Civil Society Alliance to work with the National Assembly of Viet Nam to monitor the progress of national target programmes for ethnic minorities

Ensuring stakeholders are aligned around a common national plan

The SUN Civil Society Alliance is committed to supporting improved nutrition among ethnic minorities. One of the current national objectives is to provide financial and technical support to the government through the MS and SUN civil society alliance

Progress towards SUN 3.0 Strategic Objectives (SO)


Viet Nam has a Nutrition Technical Working Group in the Ministry of Health for the implementation of the National Nutrition Strategy 2021–2030 and the National Plan of Action for Nutrition through 2025. In-person and virtual meetings were held regularly to review the strategy’s national nutrition targets. Based on these reviews, the country is on track to achieve undernutrition reduction targets for stunting and wasting, but disparities exist among regions and ethnic groups. The country is not on track for overweight and micronutrition targets, so more focus will be needed in the coming years. The review meetings included participants from many sectors and development partners, all of whom actively contributed to reaching a final consensus on the way forward.


The National Institute of Nutrition is in charge of nutrition activities at the central level, together with the Preventive Medicine Department and Maternal and Child Health Department of the Ministry of Health. At the subnational level, nutrition is assigned to the provincial centres for disease control, district health centres and communal health stations. At the grass-roots level, village health workers implement community nutrition activities. All stakeholders support the Government in the implementation of nutrition interventions.


The Government has approved the National Nutrition Strategy 2021–2030 and assigned tasks to various stakeholders. Other international agencies and civil society organizations in the Multi-Stakeholder Platform generally support the Common Results Framework. United Nations agencies and the SUN Civil Society Alliance have greatly contributed to supporting the Government in accelerating nutrition progress, especially the development of the National Nutrition Strategy, Nutrition for Growth commitments, nutrition within the food system, and nutrition in emergencies. In 2022, in preparation for the national target programmes in 2023, capacity-building was in focus on the subnational level.


The Prime Minister has ratified the National Nutrition Strategy 2021–2030 and vision to 2045 to address the triple burden of malnutrition, based on a situation analysis and global targets. The strategy prioritizes vulnerable groups and emphasizes the importance of governance and multisectoral coordination. For the first time, the strategy has set up a budgetary indicator to cover nutrition interventions. Multi-Stakeholder Platforms are aligned with the Government to provide support.