The 2015 Global Nutrition Report is launched in Japan

On 25 April 2016, the 2015 Global Nutrition Report was launched in Tokyo, bringing together over 200 people including officials from the Japanese government. The launch was hosted by Save the Children Japan, Results, World Vision and the Network for Action on Malnutrition. In a…

May 2, 2016 - Last update: February 10, 2023

japaneseOn 25 April 2016, the 2015 Global Nutrition Report was launched in Tokyo, bringing together over 200 people including officials from the Japanese government. The launch was hosted by Save the Children Japan, Results, World Vision and the Network for Action on Malnutrition.

In a presentation made by Lawrence Haddad of the International Food Policy Research Institute, Japan was identified as one of the most important donors for nutrition specific interventions at about $60m in 2014. He stressed his belief that Japan has an opportunity to enhance its nutrition leadership over the next four years, to energise the Nutrition for Growth process after Rio and as the 2020 host of Nutrition for Growth.

“It was evident from the discussion that Japan sees nutrition as key to sustainable development and human security. This point was encouragingly reiterated time and time again.” Marie Rumsby, Save the Children UK and Vice Chair of the SUN Civil Society Network.

Upcoming related events

  • 42nd G7 Summit, 26-27 May 2016.  Kashiko Island, Shima, Mie Prefecture, Japan.
  • The Sixth Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD-VI). 27-28 August 2016. Nairobi, Kenya.

Read blogs about the event by Lawrence Haddad and Marie Rumsby. 


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