The 2015 SUN Movement Annual Progress Report is launched

On 20 October 2015, the SUN Movement Annual Progress was launched during the opening ceremony of the 2015 SUN Movement Global Gathering in Milan, Italy. The report provides a detailed snapshot of the progress and results towards scaling up nutrition in SUN Countries and the broad…

October 21, 2015 - Last update: February 10, 2023

Front CoverOn 20 October 2015, the SUN Movement Annual Progress was launched during the opening ceremony of the 2015 SUN Movement Global Gathering in Milan, Italy. The report provides a detailed snapshot of the progress and results towards scaling up nutrition in SUN Countries and the broad evolution of the Movement.

Key messages

  • The SUN Movement marks its fifth year with 55 countries and the Indian State of Maharashtra committed to scaling up nutrition
  • Many countries are experiencing significant reductions in malnutrition proving that it can be eradicated within our lifetime
  • Defeating malnutrition, united with multiple sectors and stakeholders in a truly coherent approach, is no longer an abstract aspiration, it is the new normal
  • A combination of high level political commitment, effective laws and policies, aligned actions from all corners of society and increased resources are supporting change
  • Building a smart investment case for nutrition now, reinforcing our alignment and coordination today and mobilising resources for the future, should be the priority




