2016 World Dairy Summit highlights the need for nutritious, safe and sustainable dairy products

2016 World Dairy Summit highlights the need for nutritious, safe and sustainable dairy products

From 16-21 October 2016, the International Dairy Federation (IDF) Summit 2016 was held in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.The IDF represents the global dairy sector and ensures the best scientific expertise is used to support high quality milk and nutritious, safe and sustainable dairy products. The event was organised by the Netherlands National Committee and had a focus on meeting the nutritional needs of the growing world population safely and sustainably.

October 26, 2016 - Last update: February 10, 2023
Photo: Flickr / Cashmira Hoogenraad

Gerda Verburg at the opening of the summit. Photo: Flickr / Cashmira Hoogenraad

From 16-21 October 2016, the International Dairy Federation (IDF) World Dairy Summit 2016 was held in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.The IDF represents the global dairy sector and ensures the best scientific expertise is used to support high quality milk and nutritious, safe and sustainable dairy products. The event was organised by the Netherlands National Committee and had a focus on meeting the nutritional needs of the growing world population safely and sustainably.

IDF has an important role to play in ensuring the right policies, standards, practices and regulations are in place to achieve its goals. In close cooperation with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), IDF has established a joint IDF/ISO work programme for the development of standard methods of analysis and sampling for milk and milk products. IDF has also working relationships with several global intergovernmental organizations, and has a formal status with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) and the Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme – Codex Alimentarius.

The Summit was closed with signing the Declaration of Rotterdam: a comprehensive statement on the key contributions and commitments of the dairy sector towards achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. IDF President Jeremy Hill and Assistant Director General of the FAO Ren Wang explained the importance of the Declaration, providing a common high-level purpose regarding the dairy sector’s role for nutritional security, sustainability and socio-economic development.

If we take care of children now, it will have a great impact on the future. The best way to take care of them is by promoting breastfeeding for the first six months, to educate mothers about diverse diets and provide them with supplements during their pregnancy.”

Gerda Verburg, SUN Movement Coordinator at the opening of the IDF World Dairy Summit 2016.

Click here to read more about Gerda Verburg’s opening speech.

Click here to learn more about the event.


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