Call for Content | Field Exchange: Nutrition Sensitive Programmes

The Emergency Nutrition Network (ENN) is calling for content for their 51st Issue of Field Exchange. This edition will be published December 2015 and focus specifically on nutrition sensitive programming and related policy and research. The purpose of this issue if to bring together lessons learned and…

May 18, 2015 - Last update: February 10, 2023

fexThe Emergency Nutrition Network (ENN) is calling for content for their 51st Issue of Field Exchange. This edition will be published December 2015 and focus specifically on nutrition sensitive programming and related policy and research. The purpose of this issue if to bring together lessons learned and identify where knowledge gaps may exist in developing and implementing nutrition sensitive programming.

Submissions of, and ideas for, field articles, research, evaluations and news is welcome. Field articles are detailed accounts of programming experiences, challenges and lessons learned. Research may be original field research or summaries of relevant research. Relevant evaluations may be original or summary content. News pieces are short articles highlighting or summarising key meetings, training, and initiatives relevant to the theme.

Learn more: English Français | Español

Article submission deadline: 10th September 2015.

The Emergency Nutrition Network (ENN)

ENN is a UK registered charity which was set up to improve practice and strengthen the institutional memory of agencies involved in the emergency food and nutrition sectors. ENN focuses on communities in crisis, typically humanitarian emergencies, and where undernutrition is a significant chronic problem. Ways in which ENN enables nutrition networking and learning to build the evidence base for nutrition programming includes;

  • Field Exchange, an online and print publication on nutrition and food security in emergencies and high burden contexts. Field Exchange is printed three times per year. View previous editions at
  • Nutrition Exchange, is an online publication of short, easy to read articles on nutrition programme experiences and learning. Nutrition is summarised information from the flagship publication, Field Exchange. View previous editions at
  • en-net, a free and open resource that helps practitioners access technical advice for operational challenges through the online forum.


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