COP1 Conference Call | Tools shared for stocktaking, how-to and financing nutrition

On 12th February 2015, the third conference call to develop the Community of Practice on planning, costing, implementing and financing multi-sectoral actions for improved nutrition was held. Over thirty participants from SUN Networks and technical agencies participated in the call to share their experiences with tools for stocktaking, how-to…

February 14, 2015 - Last update: February 10, 2023

On 12th February 2015, the third conference call to develop the Community of Practice on planning, costing, implementing and financing multi-sectoral actions for improved nutrition was held. Over thirty participants from SUN Networks and technical agencies participated in the call to share their experiences with tools for stocktaking, how-to and financing nutrition. These calls have quickly evolved to become a valuable forum for technical experts across the SUN Movement to share progress and explore new ways of developing common understandings on themes, especially related to nutrition sensitive actions.

Sandra Mutuma, Senior Nutrition Advisor from Action Against Hunger (ACF) kicked off the meeting and shared a presentation on stock-taking and potential priorities for COP1 in 2015.

Kaia Engesveen from the World Health Organisation (WHO) shared how WHO supports evidence informed policy planning in nutrition and the development of National Health Accounts.

Tina Lloren from the Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance III Project (FANTA) shared updates on costing activities including community based management of acute malnutrition (CMAM) in Malawi and the testing of a nutrition assessment, counseling and support (NACS) costing too in Zambia.

Charlotte Dufur and Benoist Veillerette from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) shared a presentation on how to make agriculture investments nutrition sensitive, including definitions, opportunities and challenges.

Holly Sedutto from REACH shared their progress with the United Nations Standing Committee on Nutrition, on the development of a Compendium of Actions for Nutrition (CAN)

Meera Shekar reviewed how to leverage financing to meet the needs of the six World Health Assembly targets.


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